Wednesday, April 29, 2009

lol i was just on the phone with kenisha while coming home from the store and we got to talking about jeri curls and what not my dad was in the car and he made a comment on furniture with the plastic covering
and i turned and asked him and i also asked kenisha who in the hell invented plastic covering for furniture
honestly back in the days when people ordered new furniture did they say i need my new living room set plasticrized and by the way can i get the plastic with the gold trimming cause the silver one gets dirty too fast
my daddy says that that shit started back in the south and its been around along time. i quickly had to check him cause that fade didnt start in the south cause its hot in the south and we all know that body heat and plastic furniture covering did not mix cause when it got to hot and you went to sweating you tend to have found your self what?....stuck to the seat
and remember those plastic runners that lead you all around the house that made that scrapping noise when you walk on it was that apart of the package deal PLASTIC WRAP YOUR WHOLE LIVING ROOM SET AND GET A FREE PLASTIC RUNNER
i honestly dont remember my grams niether one of them with that plastic shit on their furniture one did have that runner though one ran from the front to the back door and she also had one on the stairs.
honestly and wassup with having those rooms that cant no body walk in i swear i use to hate that i use to wanna go and rub farts all on peoples couches and plant boogers in they shag carpets that stanley steamers had been fluffing since before i was born
watch imma bring that plastic on furniture back but its gonna be bubble wrap so that everytime some one sits they ass down they get that popping sensation

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