Wednesday, March 11, 2009

lmao off the top of my head

lol i was just on the phone with kenisha while coming home from the store and we got to talking about jeri curls and what not my dad was in the car and he made a comment on furniture with the plastic covering
and i turned and asked him and i also asked kenisha who in the hell invented plastic covering for furniture
honestly back in the days when people ordered new furniture did they say i need my new living room set plasticrized and by the way can i get the plastic with the gold trimming cause the silver one gets dirty too fast
my daddy says that that shit started back in the south and its been around along time. i quickly had to check him cause that fade didnt start in the south cause its hot in the south and we all know that body heat and plastic furniture covering did not mix cause when it got to hot and you went to sweating you tend to have found your self what?....stuck to the seat
and remember those plastic runners that lead you all around the house that made that scrapping noise when you walk on it was that apart of the package deal PLASTIC WRAP YOUR WHOLE LIVING ROOM SET AND GET A FREE PLASTIC RUNNER
i honestly dont remember my grams niether one of them with that plastic shit on their furniture one did have that runner though one ran from the front to the back door and she also had one on the stairs.
honestly and wassup with having those rooms that cant no body walk in i swear i use to hate that i use to wanna go and rub farts all on peoples couches and plant boogers in they shag carpets that stanley steamers had been fluffing since before i was born
watch imma bring that plastic on furniture back but its gonna be bubble wrap so that everytime some one sits they ass down they get that popping sensation

Monday, March 9, 2009

pop corn

before i blog myself to sleep
i wanna talk about all yall heffas popping out all these damn churin back to back from all these different mens and naming them these hella ghetto names like its cute.
now now now dont get me wrong i have friends who have multiple churins running around but they have themselves together. they are either married to the baby father or they all have the same daddy. i think that its hella trife if you have 5 kids and 3 got the one daddy and the other 2 have 20 other daddies. man come on women and i m not excluding any race cause whites as well as hispanics do this shit just like black people but im telling yall we need to get it together this is gonna hurt our kids in the long run. i personally have one child and i barely cut it when it comes to giving him the attention that he demands. and my baby aint got no ghetto name thats gonna with hold him from actually making it in life. some of yall naming yall kids after these cars you cant and will never afford are setting yall kids up to be future strippers and dope boys... but as i type this im thinking you know what now a days names dont matter cause shit we have a president name Barak Obama (like i said white people do that shit too) not saying that i dont like the president because i do but when you give your kids names like Galantavios, Collagreenisha, or something to that degreeyou are setting them up.... no no wait then again we have a Condalezza.. well i dunno. i guess like India Arie says "i am not my hair" i guess some people are not they names
but getting back to yall with them baby popping powers. you know the ones who go into the hospital and the nurses know your name by heart before you even reach they station. the ones who get mad when dont no one wanna watch your fucking 5 kids so that you can go on a date. 1. you damn righty aint no one gonna watch them damn kids 2 kids is my limit i ll watch your kids if you have 2 but when you go over the 2 limit and you want me to watch your basketball team so that you can go and get laid.. hell to the naw cause more than likely i am contributing to you bringing home baby #6. how can you not limit yourself to cutting off the baby making machine especially if the good ol tax payers are providing for your kids. first of all if i a nigga( i dont care how fucking fine or how much money or how famous he is) dont wanna put on a condom the first time yall fuck than he aint worth it because 9 times outta 10 he is thinking that you aint worth it either '
not gonna get in to sex ed on yall ill save that for later
all ims saying is ladies lets get it together its a fucking recession out here its too expensive to be having these babies back to back and not being finacially stable
shit i got one kid and i still stay with my parents. gift wrapping isnt all that lucretive nowadays

love to see you smile
mizz decemba blu

The Praying Sinners

Lol.... i love that title because it is sooo true
Why is it that the ones that be all up in chuurrch on monday- sunday paying they tithes and offerings with they rent checks be the main ones saturday night at the strip clubs making it drizzle cause like i said they money goes towards sunday tithes and offerings.
Prime example i have been getting chased by this dude for about 6 yrs now. he use to be one of my clients (im a professional gift wrapper, dont worry im legit ) and he use to tell me how i should get with him and how God brought him to me and blah blah blah ....i totally wasnt paying attention cause i was all in to my man and still is to this day though *sniff sniff* we aint together anymore. but dude was trying sooooo hard to get at me we never exchanged numbers cause ewww no! so he would constantly come by my job and get a service as long as he was spending money i was cool but he tells me off the back that he is a God fearing man and he goes to church all the time and he is a deacon and would like me to go to church with him. well needless to say that i never did but he would and still comes by my job and his nasty ass is always kicking how he is celibate and how he has been that way for about 4 yrs mind you he has a year old son whom he came to my job and asked me to baby sit he truly tried me cause i dont even like kids like that... back to the point he sits up here and tells me how hes gonna make it rain for me mind you dude stays with his grandma rides a huffy beach cruiser and washes cars for like 5 an madea says he can only make it drizzle cause he cant make it rain...mind you he claims he celibate and what not but also be kicking it how he wants to eat me up. ummm i know that i dont go to church that often but what in the heck kinda bible thumping is that
then its the ones who treat church like its the sunday morning club meaning that they are only in going to church to let it be known that they have the hottest hat,suit, shoes and purse and looks down at people who dont met they standards. Since when did they church have a v.i.p. section.
Then you got the sinning preacher standing up there telling you the word of God in the church but outside of church he watchin lil boys in thongs dance on the table. then you got the elders of the church that be casting the first stones at other people but seem to forget that they got more skeletons in they closet then the grave yard got.
dont get me wrongim not looking down at the church and i love the lord im just pointing out a couple of flaws. and some of yall can agree with me

Saturday, March 7, 2009

drawing a blank

right now im trying to decide on what to blog about and i am taking any suggestions
so if you fell like it email me at
love to see you smile
mizz decemba blu

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I love damn song. I tell you no lie the day i get married im coming down the aisle to this. cheesy yeah i know but for this song i will be


i have to retract the following statement that i made early today about my boyfriend well my ex as of 3 hours ago hes a shit head and if any of you ladies want him you can have him cause he's a pansy ass cry baby who is selfish and wants everything to be his way.........hmmmm nah thats not true he is a good man but he has asshole tendencies and right now im just bitter and heartbroken so dont pay me any mind

Confessions of a Bad Girl Gone Good

I know I know the cliche is all wrong its suppose to be a Good Girl Gone Bad, but what if you started of as a bad girl like..hmm let's say ..Me!
You know how they say one bad apple spoils the bunch...well that's what happen to me one bad apple spoiled me and turned me into a good nature girl. i dunno what happened the wool was just pulled over my eyes and now i can't go back. though at this present time we are having our problems he is my one and only true love. Granted i have had a couple of loves in my 21 yrs.......25........okay 29 yrs labeling Al B. Sure and Micheal Jackson as 2 of those loves (hey hey the Micheal Jackson in those Off The Wall and Beat It days was fine), but its just something about this one that makes me go crazy.
Since day one i have been telling myself "play the game right and you will never fail." My mission was to get in and get out with out getting trapped, "let him love you but never alow yourself to love him back" and that was simply because before him i was dealing with all the wrong guys. You know how they say you get back what you dish out. Well i had to truly figure out what it was that i was dishing out because the guys i was getting all had problems. One was always in my face from sun up to sun down, one couldn't admit to himself let alone me that we were together and like a fool i was cool to sneak around, one claimed "i trust you its these niggas that i don't trust"(mind you he swiped me from another dude) that brings me too the drunken older man then there was the crazy Spanish dude to the loser baby daddy to the secretly married man. I guess its true what they say you have to hit the bottom in order to get back to the top. For the past 4 yrs i have been in a hectic but wonderful relationship with a good man. Yes ladies there are actually good men out there... don't go searching for mines though cause then i will have to cut you
when i meet dude i had so much playing the game in my blood because honestly "I'm a Pimp blood not Relation" that automatically that was my first intent when i started dealing with dude. i always tell him and others that in the beginning i wasnt all that serious but he started opening my eyes up to much much more and like an idiot i was to blind to see it long story short and 4 yrs later i am beginning to see what he has been babblin about all this time. I see things way differently now im not as mean sprited as i was before. not saying that i owe it all to that man but he has helped me alot and im writting this just to let him know that i appreciate all that he has done for me and all the love that he has shown me
and no the man is not Jesus or God though they are my homeboys and i put no men before them i am actually talking about a real man... not saying that they aren't real men i mean a more up to date

love to see you smile
mizz decemba blu

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Introducing Mizz Decemba Blu

Wassup y'all it's the one and only... stop it stop it no applause. Yes that's right the Infamous Mizz Decemba Blu. For those who know me tend to love me and for those who don't know me either grow to love me, love to hate me or wish they were me....nah just playing.
well i started this Blog because either I tend to talk alot or I just have alot to say . I am a down to earth person i see it for what its worth and then try to have it appraised. Instead of thinking inside the box I'm outside trying to push it over. Im a realistic person I hold nothing back unless I really really have to and I say what I mean and mean what I say. Though time and time again I have been told that I am funy its not something that i thrived to do its just something that comes natural. I am a realist i tell it how its and now how you want it, though i might not know have the time what im talking about(like now) people tend to get the point.
So hope you enjoy my blog and look forward to the comments and the topics
love to see you smile
mizz decemba blu